Friday, March 23, 2012

The San Francisco bus experience

When I lived in the city a few years ago, I was one of the lucky ones. I commuted daily in the comfort of my own vehicle. I lived in an area with parking, so finding a new spot for star when I got home was not a big deal either. Leaving the bus for leisure activities like bar nights out where it seemed to rescue us more so than hinder us, definitely kept the bus system in my good graces.
Moving back, however I had this bright idea that I was going to do two things. Mistake number 1- move to an area that was more interesting, beautiful, and entertaining and thus, more populated. Mistake number 2- get a job that is located downtown in the middle of the mayhem- which is all the rave. Catch me on a good day and I'm usually very proud that I accomplished both of these things. What this means, though, is that I have become one of the hundreds, probably thousands, disappointed San Francisco muni users.

Where do I start?

As a frequent muni user, I can safely say that if you do not experience something strange, out of the ordinary, or uncomfortable on your morning commute than you are not doing something right. Yesterday, for example, I am sitting on the circular bench in the Bart station patiently waiting for the next train while I read The Hunger Games along with every other American. When, I suddenly catch a light skunk smell drifting through the air. At first I thought that was silly and unlikely since we aren't anywhere near the places skunks like to hang out. A short time later, though, the smell gets even stronger. I turn around to observe if anyone else is reacting to the smell and to also assure myself that there is not in fact a skunk chilling in the middle of this stinky bench. Instead of a skunk though, I find myself a giddy gentleman stood directly behind me, counting and weighing out his weed containers in a most calculated manner while he sings and bobs his head to music only he can hear. WEED. Yup, in the Bart station is where I do most of my weed weighing too.

As if to flaunt the crazy in my face, I escape Sir Skunk and his weed buckets only to be exposed against my will to Miss Crazy who is screaming at the top of her lungs to some poor sap on the telephone while she is sitting on a very full Bart train. I immediately take a right turn instead of the usual left in order to avoid the slander, but have to hear it anyways. Things like "F**K your face, you're a dumb B*tc*. B*tc*, you knew I had to shower too and you didn't even give a f**k". Shower? Could this argument possibly be about who got to shower and who didn't? Now, despite trying to avoid being part of Miss Crazy's crazy, I am intrigued. "STTOOOOOOPPPP calling me... nigga, I don't even LIKE you". I don't think that one needs so much commentary. It's totally the defense I take in arguments too. So there.

Awww - at the beginning of this post I was frustrated with Muni and the sometimes wild experiences she exposes me to. But now, in the safety of my cubicle, I am feeling a small closeness to her.

What's your exciting public transportation story?

For other cool Muni stories - check out

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