Saturday, August 14, 2010

Rise and Shine Lake Atitclan

Waking up at Lake Atitclan is one of the most serene scenarios possible. It's sunny but cool outside with a refreshing lake smell. MMMM YUM!
This morning Emmy and I took advantage of the gorgeous day by renting a couple kayaks and riding them out to these rocks in San Marcos famous for jumping. And WOW did we figure out why they were famous or what! It was so cool to scrample up the sides of the rocks and then jump off holding all limbs and as tight to our bodies as humanly possible. It's a lot higher than it orginally looked!
Last night Emmy and I met the only other guests in our high-end Guatemalan hotel ($10 each a night), a couple of Texans and an Aussie. The five of us grabbed some dinner in town and then headed out to a local pub where we sat down to play some dominoes. LOVE dominoes. Anyway everything was going great, and Blake, one of the Texans ordered us a few shots of this really amazing teguila called Mescol that is actually illegal in the states. It was a really yummy smoky flavored tequila with a vanilla finish - YUM. We were sipping the tequila respectably when a local guy came over and stole the rest of Jay's shot! ARGH - it was so weird and uncomfortable, but he was just too intoxicated and should have just been ignored. Well in proper Texan fashion Jay found it impossible to ignnore this frustration and he THREW his shot glass at the guy in order to persuade him to purchase a new one. OMG! WHAT? WHO does that!???? Emmy and I were so confused as to what the unnecessary gesture really displayed. Blake successfully calmed both parties down, but WOW was that just plain dumb.

Tomorrow is a new day and Emmy and I are headed to the traditional Mayan market in Chichicastenango. Neither of us is too sure what this will entail exactly but we are excited nonetheless!

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